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Home » Jesus Use Me, Don’t Refuse Me, There’s Work I Can Do | Lyrics | Video | MP3 | By Liz Rebosar

Jesus Use Me, Don’t Refuse Me, There’s Work I Can Do | Lyrics | Video | MP3 | By Liz Rebosar

Jesus Use Me, Don’t Refuse Me Video

Jesus Use Me, Don’t Refuse Me Audio MP3

Jesus Use Me, Don’t Refuse Me Lyrics

Jesus use me, o Lord, don’t refuse me,
Surely there’s work that I can do.
Even tho’ it’s humble
Lord help my will to crumble,
tho’ the cost be great, I’ll work for You.

Verse 1
Dear Lord I will be a witness ,if you will help my weakness
I know that I am not, worthy Lord of you
By eyes of faith I see you, on the cross of Calvary,
Dear Lord I cry, let me your servant be.

Verse 2
He is the lily of the valley, the Bright and Morning Star
He’s the Fairest of ten thousand to my soul’
He’s the beautiful Rose of Sharon, he’s all the world to me,
but best of all, He is my coming King


The hymn Jesus Use Me, Don’t Refuse Me is a heartfelt plea for God to use a believer in His service, regardless of the cost. For a Christian, this song is an expression of humility, dedication, and willingness to follow God’s calling.

The chorus emphasizes the desire to be used by Jesus, acknowledging that every believer has a purpose in God’s kingdom, no matter how small or humble their role may be. It also conveys a deep surrender, asking God to break personal pride and make them fully available for His work.

The first verse reflects a recognition of personal weakness and unworthiness, yet a longing to serve. The reference to Calvary reminds Christians of Christ’s sacrifice and inspires them to live a life of service.

The second verse praises Jesus as the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star, affirming that He is everything to the believer.

Ultimately, this hymn encourages Christians to be faithful servants, willing to follow God’s call despite challenges, knowing that their reward is in Christ.


  1. Drums – Kosome Akako
  2. Piano – Silas Korir
  3. Rhythm Guitar – John Mwangi
  4. Violin – Mitchelle Ouma
  5. Bass Guitar – Moses Were


  1. Hope Agnes
  2. Christabel Wanjiku
  3. Liz Rebosar

Video and Tech

  1. Joshua Kimura


Gaba, Eldoret


Saturday, 29th June, 2024

Another Great Hymn