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Home » Savior Lead Me Lest I Stray | Lyrics | Video | MP3 | By Shiko Bella

Savior Lead Me Lest I Stray | Lyrics | Video | MP3 | By Shiko Bella

Savior Lead Me Lest I Stray Video

Savior Lead Me Lest I Stray Audio MP3

Savior Lead Me Lest I Stray Lyrics

Verse 1

Savior, lead me lest I stray,
Gently lead me all the way;
I am safe when by Thy side,
I would in Thy love abide.

Lead me, lead me,
Savior, lead me lest I stray;
Gently down the stream of time,
Lead me, Savior, all the way.

Verse 2

Thou the refuge of my soul
When life’s stormy billows roll;
I am safe when Thou art nigh,
All my hopes on Thee rely.

Verse 3

Savior, lead me then at last,
When the storm of life is past,
To the land of endless day,
Where all tears are wiped away.


The hymn Savior, Lead Me Lest I Stray is a heartfelt plea for Jesus’s guidance, protection, and love. For a Christian, it serves as a reminder of the constant need for Christ’s presence and leadership in every aspect of life.

The first verse expresses the believer’s reliance on Jesus to gently guide them through life’s journey. The assurance of safety and abiding love highlights the peace and security found in staying close to the Savior.

The chorus reinforces the request for Jesus’s leadership, likening life to a “stream of time.” It conveys a desire for Jesus to navigate life’s uncertainties, ensuring the believer remains on the right path.

In the second verse, Jesus is portrayed as the ultimate refuge, providing comfort and stability when life’s storms threaten. This verse emphasizes faith and hope in Christ as the foundation for enduring trials.

The third verse shifts focus to the eternal promise of heaven. It envisions Jesus leading the believer to “the land of endless day,” a place of peace where all sorrow is erased.

Ultimately, this hymn reflects a deep trust in Jesus’s guidance, celebrating His role as the anchor and protector throughout life and into eternity.

Singers And Instrumentalists

Kosome Akako – Rhythm Guitar

Moses Were – Bass Guitar

Caleb Mburu – Solo Guitar

Matthew Mwangi – Percussions

Shiko Bella – Vocals

Esther Kaari – Vocals

Becky Achitsa – Vocals

Joshua Kimura – Video

Another Great Hymn


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