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Home » The Storms Of Life | Dhoruba Za Maisha | Lyrics | Video | MP3 | Christabel Wanjiku

The Storms Of Life | Dhoruba Za Maisha | Lyrics | Video | MP3 | Christabel Wanjiku

The Storms Of Life Video | Dhoruba Za Maisha

The Storms Of Life | Dhoruba Za Maisha Audio MP3

The Storms Of Life | Dhoruba Za Maisha Lyrics

Verse 1 – Swahili
Dhoruba za weza vuma,
Twapaswa tuwe tayari,
Kwa kutenda atakalo Mungu,
Neno la tutia nguvu,
Dhoruba zijapo,
Imani itasimama kwa tukio

Chorus – Swahili
Hata dhoruba zikusanyikapo,
Nanga yetu iwe imara,
za jaribu ufunuo wetu,
Kwake kristo twasimama,
Dhoruba hazitatutikisa,
Maana nanga iko imara,
Mwamba wa ufunuo utasimama.

Verse 1 – English
The storms of life may blow,
We got to be prepared for them
By doing what God tells us to do
We hear the word that strengthens us
When the storms of life come,
Faith will rise to the occasion

Chorus – English
So when the storms of life gather,
let the anchor hold within the veil
They’re sent to test your revelation
on Christ the solid rock we stand
The storms of life will not shake us,
because the anchor holds
The rock of revelation, will stand

Verse 2 – English
God wants mighty men of valour
prepared for combat,
We are Christ’s Mighty Gentile Warriors,
So lift up your hands and praise God,
He has counted you worthy
to stand for Him in this day

Verse 2 – Swahili
Mungu ataka mashujaa wa vita,
Walotayari kabisa,
Tu wanajeshi wake kristo,
Basi tumsifuni Mungu,
Kusimama kwake kizazi hiki


The hymn The Storms of Life | Dhoruba Za Maisha is a declaration of faith and spiritual resilience in the face of life’s challenges. For a Christian, the hymn emphasizes the importance of being grounded in faith, anchored in Christ, and prepared for the inevitable trials that life brings.

In the first verse, both in Swahili and English, the storms are metaphors for difficult situations that believers face. The song encourages Christians to be ready for these challenges by doing what God commands and relying on His Word, which strengthens their faith. The storms, though powerful, are opportunities for faith to rise and prove its strength.

The chorus emphasizes the central theme of standing firm in Christ. When the storms of life gather, Christians are reminded to hold on to their “anchor”—their faith in Christ, the solid rock. The storms are seen not as threats but as tests of their revelation, or understanding, of Christ’s role in their lives. The assurance is that no storm can shake them because their anchor, Christ, is unshakable.

In the second verse, the hymn calls believers to rise as “mighty men of valor” and “Gentile warriors” for Christ, prepared for spiritual battle. It celebrates the honor of being counted worthy by God to stand firm in their faith during difficult times. The hymn instills a sense of courage and determination, urging Christians to praise God for giving them the strength to stand and overcome.

Overall, the hymn serves as a reminder that while life’s storms may come, Christians can stand firm in their faith, grounded in the revelation of Christ’s power and love.


  1. Drums – Caleb Soita
  2. Piano – Eliezer Kores, Billy
  3. Organ – Caleb Ariel
  4. Bass Guitar – Moses Were


  1. Mitchelle Ouma
  2. Rhoda Wangeci Gichuhi
  3. Philly Abonyo –
  4. Shamim Wanjala
  5. Christabel Wanjiku –
  6. Sharon Gwehonah
  7. Miriam Atieno Rose
  8. Liz Rebosar –


  1. Josh Kimura
  2. David Kimani

Tech Team

  1. Eric
  2. Andrew Kosome


Gaba, Eldoret


Saturday, 23rd March 2024

Another Great Hymn

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