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Worship The Lord | Lyrics | Video | MP3 | Faith Otaget

Worship The Lord Video

Worship The Lord Audio MP3

Worship The Lord Lyrics

Verse 1
God will not reject your prayer
Praying makes you stronger
I have never seen the righteous forsaken
Begging for bread and left to suffer
Have patience just wait and see What God will do
When you lift up your hands and surrender
God will pull you through

Chorus 1
Oh worship simply worship
If you are crying worship
In your trials worship
If you are hurting worship
Nothing matters worship
He will hear your praise

God goes before you saying let there be
Healing your wounds and setting you free
Sending His Angels fighting from all sides
He’s leading the way yes He is the guide
Trust in Him He will never fail
He’s walk with you along lives rugged trail
Just lift up your hands this is your victory day
Give Him the praise

Chorus 2
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord

Verse 2
It is important to understand
When God is speaking
Sometimes He may seem to be silent
But that is when He is working
Have patience just wait and see
What God will do
When you lift up your hands in surrender
God will put you through

Chorus 1
Oh worship simply worship
If you are crying worship
In your trials worship
If you are hurting worship
Nothing matters worship
He will hear your praise

God goes before you saying let there be
Healing your wounds and setting you free
Sending His Angels fighting from all sides
He’s leading the way yes He is the guide
Trust in Him He will never fail
He’s walk with you along lives rugged trail
Just lift up your hands this is your victory day
Give Him the praise

Chorus 2
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord

Instrumental – Chorus 2
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord

God goes before you saying let there be
Healing your wounds and setting you free
Sending His Angels fighting from all sides
He’s leading the way yes He is the guide
Trust in Him He will never fail
He’s walk with you along lives rugged trail
Just lift up your hands this is your victory day
Give Him the praise

Chorus 2
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord

Chorus in Kiswahili
Abudu Bwana, abudu Bwana
Abudu Bwana, abudu Bwana
Abudu Bwana, abudu Bwana
Abudu Bwana, abudu Bwana

Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord
Worship the Lord, worship the Lord


The hymn Worship The Lord emphasizes the power of worship as an act of faith and trust in God, even in the midst of trials and suffering. For a Christian, this hymn serves as a reminder to continually honor God, knowing that He is working even when His presence feels silent.

In the first verse, the lyrics affirm that God hears every prayer and strengthens those who turn to Him. It reflects the promise that the righteous will never be forsaken, encouraging believers to be patient and trust in God’s timing.

The repeated chorus and bridge highlight the transformative nature of worship. Whether in pain, trials, or tears, worship becomes a pathway to God’s deliverance and healing. The bridge paints a vivid picture of God as a protector and guide, sending angels to fight battles and walking alongside believers through life’s rugged trails.

The hymn’s core message is about surrender—lifting hands in worship symbolizes letting go of control and trusting God to lead and provide. It inspires hope by declaring that every act of worship is a step toward victory, as God responds to heartfelt praise with strength, healing, and guidance. Ultimately, it calls Christians to worship God wholeheartedly, regardless of circumstances, as an expression of faith and gratitude.


  1. Drums – Kosome Akako
  2. Piano – Caleb Ariel Mburu
  3. Lead Guitar – Lee Vayle
  4. Rhythm Guitar – Liz Rebosar
  5. Violin – Mitchelle Yekhualat
  6. Bass Guitar – Moses Were


  1. William Mutisya
  2. Wangeci Rhoda
  3. Christabel Wanjiku
  4. Liz Rebosar
  5. Miriam Atieno Rose
  6. Grace Otieno
  7. Belinder Kanyanya
  8. Faith Otaget
  9. Lee Vayle

Video and Tech

  1. Joshua Kimura
  2. David Kimani
  3. Eric Ngoneshi
  4. Kevin Mkenya


Gaba, Eldoret


Saturday, 27th April, 2024

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